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HyMoCARES case studies
HyMoCARES: Lech and Wertach case studies
HyMoCARES case studies: restoring functional spawning grounds in the Lech river (DE)
HyMoCARES: Buëch case study
HyMoCARES: Geomorphological Monitoring in the Drava case study
HyMoCARES:Programme_Dam removal_Talvera Case Study_Bolzano_ITALIAN (subtitles in ENGLISH)
HyMoCARES: presentation of the project
Video related to HyMoCARES topics: Massive erosion at the final reach of Avisio river
HyMoCARES: presentation of the project (subtitled in Italian)
HyMoCARES: How to manage our rivers? Rivers ecosystem services are key for our lives (in SLOVENE)
HyMoCARES framework
HyMoCARES: Role of CIRF in HyMoCARES – Andrea Goltara